attraction marketing

How to Build Your Business Online in Three Strategic Steps

August 15, 202411 min read

Are you tired of prospecting friends and family? Tired of doing home meetings, cold calls, and chasing after everyone you meet? Are you sick of being accused of peddling some “pyramid thing?”

If you said yes to any of those questions, then you're ready to take your business into the 21st century and build online.

Let me explain…

Nine months into building my business, I had recruited 17 people into my business and ALL of them had quit!

I had held home meetings at my mom's house, friend's houses, stranger's houses, attended company events, and regional events. After literally tens of thousands of miles driven and $10,000 in the hole, I was about ready to quit.

It was pretty embarrassing and I absolutely DID NOT want to face the “I told you so” from anyone, so I took a leap of faith and started searching the Internet for answers!

By the grace of God and maybe a little luck, I found the website of someone who had built a huge network and empire almost completely online and thus began my journey into Online Marketing. I was saved!

Long story short, after 10 years and millions of dollars in income later, I thank God for the online mentors I've grown with because they literally saved my life!

And today, as my mentors did with me, I devote much of my time today showing others how they can take their business online and let go of everything you don't like about building the old school way.

Now, if you want to build online, here's what you need to know…

First of all, the benefits are YYYYUUUGE!

  • You can generate fresh, qualified leads from wherever (and whenever) you please.

  • You can end rejection forever by only talking to people who are highly interested in your offer.

  • You don't need to drive long hours, your startup costs are low, and your business works for you 24/7—without you ever having to pick up the phone!

The best part is that you don't need to be “techie” or particularly good with computers to get started.

There are three steps required to take your business online, starting with…

attraction marketing

Now, I know people have different attitudes as far as personal development and mindset goes.

But my advice is pretty practical.

First, you must get comfortable with the unknown.

Basically, you need to be present and respect the journey.

Know that you're not going to learn everything you need all at once, in one fell swoop.

When you go online, you're learning a whole new skillset.

Almost a new profession.

Think of it…

When you learn a new profession, what do you usually do?

attraction marketing

Well, you go to school for four years.

We're not going to have you do that, and it probably shouldn't take four years, anyway.

However, if there was a school of building a business online, it probably would take a few months to get through all the coursework, so be prepared for a learning curve.

Don’t try to learn everything at once.

Just focus on what's in front of you.

Master that, implement it, and then move on.

You have to get comfortable with not knowing what's ahead.

There's always going to be a new technology that you don't know about and new skills that you have to acquire.

Keep that in mind and expect the unknown.

But the other issue is a biggie and comes up often:

It's the ability to overcome adversity and not give up.

By going online…

Do certain parts of building your business become easier?

attraction marketing


That's the purpose of going online—to create more efficiency, so you're not doing things that either waste time or you simply don't like doing.

  • So no more driving around town to get from point A to point B.

  • No more meeting people one-on-one.

  • And no more following up over and over after they've seen “the plan.”

However, you are still going to face adversity.

You're still going to hit roadblocks and get stuck.

If you're somebody that easily gives up when you encounter those types of things, then don't even try to build a business at all.

You have to respect the new skills you're learning

And be willing to face the tough times.

Respect means when you actually get stuck, you don't easily give up.

You push through and become resourceful.

An important part of the equation is knowing where to go to find answers or knowing who to ask to find answers (more on this later).

This is vital to your success.

The last thing is…

You've got to overcome peer-pressure

attraction marketing

There are people that are not going to approve of you doing something different from what they recommend within the company.

Maybe someone in your upline doesn't want you to explore other methods.

That's normal.

It's normal for people who have not built their business this way to have a negative attitude.

Human beings fear the unknown which is why the first thing I told you was: master the unknown.

It's natural for people to fear what they don't know

Not only is it natural to fear the unknown, but it's also natural to attack it too.

Know that if your upline—even if they have a massive downline—haven't built a business online, then they're talking about something they don’t truly understand.

Building a business online is completely different than building it offline.

It requires different methods and an entirely different skill set.

Building offline is something you can admire and appreciate—and I certainly do—and respect anyone that's done it.

But if a leader hasn't done anything online, and they're talking ‘smack' about it, then they have no credibility in my book.

Respect them, but don’t give in to their doubt and fear.

But in today's day and age, more and more leaders in the industry are starting to accept that you can actually build on social media and use Internet marketing. The proof is in the pudding.

You see people everywhere who are successfully building online.

The proof is all around you.

You don't need the approval of anyone else

attraction marketing

Move forward no matter what others say to you.

Our community provides a lot of support as it relates to this, and we can offer you advice based on your personal situation.

I’ll tell you how to receive more information at the end of this article.

This sums up the mindset:

  • Master the unknown.

  • Learn how to overcome adversity (and not be a weenie).

  • Learn to overcome peer pressure.

Those three things will come up, but now you can be prepared.

The next thing you need is a…

attraction marketing

You need an implementation blueprint.

Something you can reference along the way.

And there are primarily two different ways that you can build your business online.

First, there's the…

Active social media recruiting

digital marketing

…which you can actually implement right away.

With social media recruiting, you honestly don't have to learn much of anything.

All you need is a personal account on Facebook (no website required), and some sort of process—maybe provided by your upline or somebody in your company—on how to present your opportunity and convert prospects into either buyers or new reps.

You only need to know where to take them, and how to process them.

You can start implementing social media recruiting strategies today to build your business.

In fact, this strategy is basically equitable to what you'd do offline, except you're transposing the process online.

The challenge with social media is you're always busy…

  • You're always posting.

  • You're always engaging.

  • You're always interacting with people.

It produces results quickly (and it can produce massive results), and you can duplicate it quickly, but it's time-intensive.

Most of the time…

People will move beyond simple social media recruiting stuff because they want to create more leverage in their business and to free up more of their time.

And that's what we've been teaching here at, for the past ten years.

Speaking of which, if you're ready to move forward now with building your business using “attraction marketing,” I’d like to invite you to sign up for my FREE Digital Recruiting Bootcamp, where you’ll gain the knowledge to create an automated selling and prospecting system to attract highly-interested prospects to your product or opportunity online.

The next level of social media is…

Passive social media recruiting

attraction marketing

…which is about posting valuable content or information that inspires people to reach out to you and ask you what you're doing.

In fact, a lot of our students are generating dozens of prospects reaching out to them, asking…

“What are you doing? I want to learn more!”

I prefer to start the conversation with somebody when they're reaching out.

They are coming to you—instead of the other way around.

Then you're able to create leverage and scale.

All the things you normally would do with social media you're now able to scale and accelerate your results.

For this, you're going to need a Facebook Business Page (aka a Fan Page) and a training and lead generation system like what we provide at

The idea is for people to reach out to you by going to your website and submitting their information, which can happen 24/7 (while you're sleeping or at the beach).

They'll do this in exchange for valuable information you’ve promised to give them.

They are then automatically sent all the information they need to get familiar with your business, and we provide all the tools to allow you to do this in no time!

By the time you get on the phone, they're 90% sold!

You only answer a few questions, and they're ready to get started.

It’s all automatic.

That's what a “funnel” does.

This is how you can passively have prospects come into your business, every single day.

In our business, we have between 500-to-600 prospects reaching out to us, requesting information daily.

There's no way we could personally talk to every single one of them, so we had to create funnels or processes to be able to present offers to people en masse on autopilot.

This allows you to take people that are brand new and fresh and walk them through a presentation in an automated way.

That's essentially what we're talking about with passive recruiting strategies (which is also referred to as “attraction marketing”).

Now, for the final piece, which is…

digital marketing

It would be very difficult for you to do everything I just described without some personal one-on-one help.

Think about it, when you started building a business and community offline, somebody showed you the next steps to take.

The same is true with building your business online:

You need someone to show you a step-by-step blueprint.

Thus, when you become a customer or client of, you receive free one-on-one coaching to ensure you get started right.

We know it's overwhelming when you're brand new.

So we take away the worry by having a mentor walk you through everything step-by-step (so you don't waste time) and tell you if you're doing things correctly or not.

This immediate feedback means…

You'll never feel insecure about not being sure what to do next

attraction marketing

Or not sure if what you did is correct.

And hey, I know how powerful this is from personal experience.

When I first got started, I spent over $150,000 (mostly on credit cards) trying to build my business without mentorship.

It was pretty costly, to say the least.

However, once I got the mentorship I needed, it put me on the fast track to achieving results.

Two years later, I quit my job.

A couple years after that, I became a seven-figure producer running a business from the comfort of my own home and have done multiple millions of dollars ever since.

I believe you can do it too, but…

You have to make the commitment and start with the first step

So if you're ready to take that first step but unsure of just how to begin building your business online, then I highly recommend you learn more about by signing up for my FREE Digital Recruiting Bootcamp.

It's a video course where I walk you through taking your business online using the attraction marketing strategy is known for.

Because while it is possible to build your business offline, the way I will teach you is more efficient and allows you to create income quickly, all from your laptop.

And just like the information that changed my life ten years ago, it can change your life as well.

You’ll have the tools to build your business automatically—where prospects come to you on a daily basis—ready to sign up and get busy.

So if you’re ready to get started…

Simply click below, and I’ll gladly give you access to my Digital Recruiting Bootcamp.

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